Thursday 12 November 2009

Indeed digital but still based on traditional media!

In the cyber world once in to it; the one who is having thoughts and imaginations beyond the impossible is the one who attains the high. Reality often acts as a component of distraction for these thoughts and imaginations as one’s association with the reality brings about limitations and boundaries to his thoughts. So one having a life in the reality could of course say that it is at this coinciding point of the two worlds his life is benefitted by the cyber world. But for the one who often prefers life in the cyber world and seems reluctant towards a life in the reality with boundaries and limitations, he needs to throw away all his attachments with the reality so that his imaginations and thoughts flies beyond impossibilities. The new media is indeed capable of supporting his endless thoughts and imaginations, sadly in the present state it seems that the new media and its cyber world basically relies much on the texture and formats of traditional media versions like books, news papers and other print materials. Steven Holtzman in his book Digital Mosaics defines a cyber world which is nowhere bound by the limitations of traditional media and he says that the digital world proclaiming its independence from thoughts based on traditional background could bring about an astonishingly efficient cyber world were all the dreams could come true. He says that the case is well evident from news papers and books available online and movies being redelivered in the form of multimedia CD-ROMs trying their level best to resemble the traditional print or visual copies. Presently he justifies the context saying that, such gradual steps seems to facilitate a comfortable transition from the old to the new based on familiar traditional background. [Paraphrased from Digital Mosaics-The Aesthetics of cyber space, by Steven Holtzman, page no:13, Simon and Schuster publications,1997].

Immediacy bringing in reality :

So the one subscribing now gets a feeling of owning and reading a materialised print version of the copy attaining the nostalgic experience of turning over to the next page within a hard bound cover or visualising those animated images or graphics resembling the familiar video footages; even though these remediation has a drawback that reading isn’t that comfortable on the screen. These case well provides an instance to the attempts to bring about immediacy to the text and animated characters by insisting us to forget the fact that it is digital and instead it attains more reality by resembling those material and print versions. So instead of making it more digital and bringing in new thoughts and possibilities, the digital world seems to lean more towards traditional media. So once the cyber media breaks its ties with traditional media, the new media and its world could turn out to be a world with immortality. And that is where we could see the cyber world as how it is intended at and at occasions furthermore, beyond our expectations, with its landscape being inhabited by intelligent machines, cyborgs and post humans. That is where life becomes as how it is defined in the Hollywood film Matrix, a Matrix life where we have no associations with the real world.
Link to the Matrix film trailer in you tube:

  • Digital Mosaics-The Aesthetics of cyber space, by Steven Holtzman, page no:13, Simon and Schuster publications,1997.
  • Images from google image search.
  • video from youtube.

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