Saturday 31 October 2009

Hackers and their heroics

In the real life heroics are attributed to one who is a warrior, a social reformer, a rebel on a noble course and so on. That is how we have Robin Hood’s, Tarzan’s and Cow Boys; but in the cyber world hackers are the real heroes as they are the most adventurous, rebellious, smart and cunning rulers of the cyber world. They are even able to attribute those real life heroic traits to any one of their multiple identities and since then they are the heroes; here it is important to explore as to whether the cyber world hero pretending to be a real life hero with his fake identities in the cyber world is actually acquiring any heroic traits in his real life too with his affectionate yet cunning pretentions and experiences while being engaged in the cyber world heroics.

  • Images from google image search.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Is it just a dream world or altogether a fake world?

Our identities in the cyberspace could well be far away from our real life time identities. Those communities, societies and social spaces in the cyber world which are actually the collective effort of such individual identities could also turn out to be fake identities in comparison to the real social and community life. So the cyber world often or at most instances is a world of fake identities, communities and information’s. The information’s communicated are trustworthy, worthwhile and meaningful depending on the motives, the kind of media and as to how whether those are real or fake identities; and it is often a mammoth task to identify them as real or fake.

  • Images from google image search.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Individual, social and Cyber life.

We are the inventers and so these technologies are meant to be used by us; but the cyber culture and its Medias as a technology seems to be governing us making us gather information’s and attain entertainment individually hindering all those benefits from a collective social and community life. Even though our contacts are high and the new media pretends to be more social with most of us in communities joined together regardless of boundaries; it does bring about a situation of less communication within our social and community life where we will find shelter in the technological brilliance of the new media instead of the warmth, genuinity and versatality of infomations communicated through real life time relations. The other factor to remember is that the information’s, emotions and bonds based on a global as well as on a sectarian basis are equally important specific to circumstances. The global context seems to be far more benefitted because now it is technicity which defines our background rather than our ethnicity.

  • Images from google image search.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Is it a more efficient media?

Most of the technologies brought about in to our lives with which we got familiar in the subsequent days and which later has proved to be essential parts of our lives of course has posed some negatives too in their initial stage. Actually with time these technologies haven’t overcome those negatives, but we embraced them because these technologies started governing us instead of us making use of those technologies. This phenomenon of course needs to be referred in to the case of new media and its technologies related to the cyber world. Specifically because media is actually symbolising an environment which seems to posses information’s and entertainment controlling lion share of our emotions and knowledge; and it will be hard for us to trace out whether these environment has turned out to be harmful, just because most of us seems to live within it embracing its technological components with a complete acceptance . It is thus important to explore whether the new media designed and set in with the intension of fulfilling the purposes of old media in a more efficient manner is actually making us less communicative.

  • Images from google image search.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

New Media and our real time life

The contemporary medias, let it be the print or visual medias are losing their significance day by day just because the new media mediated by the cyberworld is proving its ability to satisfy us by bringing all those media components under a single umbrella in an interactive manner. The new media thus do have the ability of providing surplus informations, entertainment; cheaply, globally and with an ultrasonic speed. Though the new media provides us the oppurtunity of selection of news and information according to preferences it do bring about a quagmire situation of surplus information were we won't be able to efficiently distinguish informations which are meant for us and not.

  • Images from google image search.